Thursday, October 18, 2007

Birthday Party at the Park!!

We had a great time today at the Park. Carsen turned 4 on the 16th and we were invited to the park to celebrate his Birthday!

Hannah and Carsen are good friends. They go to the same pre-school together. Carsen's younger sister is Ella...isn't she cute.

Marshall loved the swings he was able sit up all by himself. Even Mom had a good time chatting with all the other Mom's especially my good friends...Stacey and Joanna... and of course my sister Kiki was there:)

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Hannah Doing the "Daddy" Dance

Thursday, October 4, 2007

I love being a Mom!

There are such simple pleasures you experience as a Mom! I love my daughter playing dress-up, using her imagination. I love my son's cute smiling face. These are the moments I have dreamed of and now I'm living the dream.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Heritage Arts & Craft Festival

We had so much fun in West Virginia. We went to an annual Arts & Crafts Festival. Hannah was intrigued by watching the bees make honey.
Marshall loves Hannah and got so excited when she was playing with him.

Butterfly potatoes! A crooss between a potatoe chips and french fries. Yummy with vinegar!
I was very impressed by this artist. He is very talented.
Josh and Marshall doing some walking around the tents.
Hannah loves her Daddy, they were watching a miniature train do its rounds.

Grandpa bought Hannah this lovely instrument and she tried so hard to play a beautiful song.